Asikhulume SiSwati features a series of lessons that are aimed at providing the learner with the communicative use of SiSwati. Therefore, the teaching and learning approach adopted is based on a functional-notational syllabus. It is also hoped that learners who use this book will be able to master the functions and the structures of the language as well as the culture of the Swazi people, emaSwati. The main aim of this book is to present learners with multidimensional material that takes into account both linguistic and cultural knowledge.
This integration will equip learners not only with linguistic competence, but with the ability to communicate in a way that is culturally acceptable and appropriate in the SiSwati language. As a result, most of the material used in this textbook is authentic. This is illustrated by the use of many realistic situations, authentic pictures, and as much cultural information as possible. Finally, to ensure the success of learners in learning SiSwati, every lesson incorporates the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and reading.
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